RROS Field Trips in the Time of COVID-19
RROS is committed to making our field trips as safe as possible and to comply with current COVID-19 regulations. One of which is to limit gatherings to 12 people or fewer. In order to guarantee that, we will be requiring reservations to attend field trips. These can be made by sending a request to Malcolm Blanchard via email at mab@mabco.com, or by texting or phoning him at (707) 480-2210. Spaces will be allocated on a first-come basis. In addition, face masks and/or social distancing will be required.
Hudeman Slough, south of the town of Sonoma, near Skaggs Island, is a rich birding area hosting many water fowl once the fall rains commence. Even before then, rare birds can show up on the holding ponds. Join us for a survey of the area led by Rob O’Donnell. Owls, shrikes, and raptors are expected. No bathrooms. Bring a face mask and lunch.
For more information contact Malcolm Blanchard (707) 480-2210. Start and end time will be provided upon RSVP.