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RROS Monthly Meeting - December Program: RROS Member Sharing

December’s program will be an RROS Member Sharing event. Please consider actively participating with a sample of your photos, bird recordings, bird artwork, sketches, etc. and/or any other bird-inspired offerings - e.g., best homemade suet or seeded peanut butter recipe? bird-theme COVID-proof mask?

You don’t have to be a computer expert to participate. But PLEASE let me know by December 1 that you’d like to contribute so that we can do some organization together. I’m happy to work with you ahead of time to ensure that your chosen format will work best for sharing from wherever you're Zooming. For those of you who have attended our recent Zoom meetings, you’ve seen that, with a flip of a switch, the screen can be shared from different locations.

- Anne O’Donnell, RROS President


This month’s meeting and presentation will be streamed live to all members with internet access. Streaming via Zoom will allow virtual attendance for many who otherwise could not attend in person, even pre-COVID!

6:45 PM: Meeting open for login. Time to socialize & share recent uncommon sightings or other experiences others might enjoy.

7:00 PM: Short business meeting.

7:15 PM: RROS Member Sharing presentation

For Zoom instructions and login, please email