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RROS Field Trip: San Pablo Bay NWR (led by Gene Hunn)

RROS Field Trips in the Time of COVID-19

RROS is committed to making our field trips as safe as possible and to comply with current COVID-19 regulations. One of which is to limit gatherings to 12 people or fewer. In order to guarantee that, we will be requiring reservations to attend field trips. These can be made by sending a request to Malcolm Blanchard via email at, or by texting or phoning him at (707) 480-2210. Spaces will be allocated on a first-come basis. In addition, face masks and/or social distancing will be required.


We’ll bird the north shore of San Pablo Bay, south of Highway 37. Gene Hunn will lead us checking out the large concentrations of raptors, shorebirds and other waterfowl.

We will check the abandoned docks for Ridgway’s Rail and the mouth of the Petaluma River for shorebirds and waterfowl before heading east to Reclamation Road, the Tubbs Island trail near the mouth of Tolay Creek, and the wetlands at the Skaggs Island spur off Highway 37. Finish by 1:00 PM.

Expect a fair bit of walking. Bring your lunch and a face mask. Restrooms available at Reclamation Road. Carpooling is not required, and not prohibited—your discretion.

For more information contact Malcolm Blanchard at (707) 480-2210.