We charter the New Sea Angler with Captain Rick Powers out of Porto Bodega, leaving at 7 AM and returning ca. 5 PM. It’s a long day but allows us to survey the continental shelf waters between Cordell Banks and the Bodega Canyon, some 30 miles offshore. Fall migration brings together seabirds from all corners of the Pacific Ocean, including albatrosses, various shearwaters, fulmars, storm-petrels, all three jaegers and the skua, alcids such as Cassin’s and Rhinoceros Auklets and Tufted Puffins, Sabine’s Gulls, Common and Arctic Terns, phalaropes, and sometimes boobies or gadfly petrels, of the elusive genus Pterodroma. We also routinely encounter Humpback, Blue, and Fin whales and a variety of dolphins.
The cost is $180 per person; $100 for students. Contact Gene Hunn (enhunn323@comcast.net or 707-981-7301) to reserve a spot, then send him (at 1504 Smokey Mtn. Dr, Petaluma, 94954) a post-dated check payable to Redwood Region Ornithological Society.