Manuel Grosselet, director of Tierra de Aves, in Oaxaca, Mexico, will inform us about his banding program in several locations.
About the Speaker: An ornithologist by training, Manuel has participated in numerous bird monitoring programs since 1988 in Europe, North Africa and North and Central America. Over the last two decades, he has monitored birds in the Santo Domingo Botanical Garden in the Mexican city of Oaxaca. He has worked as sub-director in the Federal Environmental Law Enforcement Agency and in the Division of Wildlife of SEMARNAT. He teaches courses on bird identification through sight and sound in France and Mexico, courses on use of mist-nets, bird banding, and molt in various parts of North America. He is author of a photographic guide to Oaxacan birds, Aves de Oaxaca (2003).
In January 2019 he led a group from RROS on a tour of Oaxaca and invited us to join his team for a banding session at the Santo Domingo garden in Oaxaca. RROS supports his banding efforts with a small annual donation. For more info on Tierra de Aves visit:
This month’s meeting and presentation by Manuel Grosselet will be streamed live to all members with internet access. Streaming via Zoom will allow virtual attendance for many who otherwise could not attend in person, even pre-COVID!
6:45 PM: Meeting open for login. Time to socialize & share recent uncommon sightings or other experiences others might enjoy.
7:00 PM: Short business meeting.
7:15 PM: Presentation from Manuel Grosselet.
For Zoom instructions and login, please email