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VIRTUAL/ONLINE: RROS Monthly Meeting - February Program: "Female Ducks" with Lisa Hug

Winter is a fun time of year to look at ducks and other waterfowl. We love looking at colorful male Cinnamon Teal and gaudy male Surf Scoters. But, do we take the time to study the female ducks? In this presentation, we will go over the confusing female dabbling ducks and the female scoters.

About the Speaker: Lisa Hug has been teaching birding classes through College of Marin, Petaluma Adult School, and various other venues throughout Sonoma and Marin Counties for over 20 years. Her proudest accomplishment is collaborating with RROS to form the youth group “YAMS” or Young Ancient Murrelets, which is now its own chapter in RROS.


This month’s meeting and presentation by Lisa Hug will be streamed live to all members with internet access. Streaming via Zoom will allow virtual attendance for many who otherwise could not attend in person, even pre-COVID!

6:45 PM: Meeting open for login. Time to socialize & share recent uncommon sightings or other experiences others might enjoy.

7:00 PM: Short business meeting.

7:15 PM: Presentation from Lisa Hug.

For Zoom instructions and login, please email