Join Malcolm Blanchard for a trip to Sonoma Valley Regional Park. We’ll first tour the Oak Woodlands in the Park. Expect a lot of woodpeckers, including possible Pileated. We’ll then walk around Lake Suttonfield on nearby Sonoma Developmental Center land.
Meet at the main parking lot off of Highway 12 (38.3643337, -122.5122477) at 8:00AM ($7 parking fee or County Pass). Bring lunch.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Malcolm Blanchard (707) 480-2210.
This last year, due to Covid, we required field-trip attendees to make reservations in order to limit the size of the group. We will not be doing that this year, unless a specific trip needs to be limited due to physical restraints. However, you are encouraged to RSVP for all trips. In return, you will receive a reminder of the trip and automatically be shared on the group eBird list. To RSVP, contact Malcolm Blanchard by email at or text at (707) 480-2210.