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RROS Field Trip: Morning Owling @ Sugar Loaf Ridge State Park (led by Ruthie Rudesill)

Early morning owling along the entrance road to Sugar Loaf Ridge State Park. Possible Northern Spotted Owl, Long-eared Owl, or Saw-whet Owl. Probable Northern Pygmy-Owl and Western Screech-Owl. Ruthie Rudesill will lead us. Ruthie has some of the best “bird ears” in the County and great knowledge of owl calls.

We’ll meet on Adobe Canyon Road near the intersection with Highway 12 (38.4251438, -122.5559084) at 5:45AM. Owling is about hearing the birds, so please wear quiet clothing—nothing that makes noise when you move. Carpooling among vaccinated birders is encouraged.  After sunrise (7:15AM), those who wish to, may join us birding the Meadow/Hillside trails loop. Sugarloaf requires a $10 parking fee ($8 senior) or annual pass. 

For more information or to RSVP, contact Malcolm Blanchard (707) 480-2210.


This last year, due to Covid, we required field-trip attendees to make reservations in order to limit the size of the group. We will not be doing that this year, unless a specific trip needs to be limited due to physical restraints. However, you are encouraged to RSVP for all trips. In return, you will receive a reminder of the trip and automatically be shared on the group eBird list. To RSVP, contact Malcolm Blanchard by email at or text at (707) 480-2210.