This should be a fabulous adventure!! There are birds here that don't nest elsewhere in the state like Bobolink and Eastern Kingbird. We can also search for species tough to find elsewhere like Greater Sage Grouse (very rare), Yellow Rail, Juniper Titmouse, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Franklin's Gull, Black Tern, eastern spring migrants, and wild horses!
Recommended camping spot is Stough Reservoir Campground in the Warner Mountains about 13 miles from Alturas. This is a first-come/first-served campground (alternate would be Cedar Pass Campground which is closer to town), but Flammulated Owls and Long-eared Owls have been reported consistently from Stough. Camp fees are around $10-$14 per night.
There are several motels in Alturas (but without personal experience). Looks like Hacienda Motel (530-233-3459) is newly renovated, seemed lower priced than some of the others, and is very close to Modoc NWR.
It is very important to let me know if you are coming on this trip! Being so remote we may have cell phone difficulty. I will have our walkies but only have 7 of the new ones. I will be camping and arriving Thursday night, leaving Monday. Cell 707-481-0768
*** IMPORTANT INFORMATION from trip leader Ruth Rudesill about the
Modoc weekend Field Trip May 31st thru June 2nd ***
On Friday morning, we are meeting in Alturas at 8 AM at the Hacienda Motel (201 E 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101).
On Saturday morning, we are meeting at 8 AM at the Stough Reservoir campground (1 mile off Hwy 299, about 13 miles from Alturas).
IMPORTANT: If you plan on attending, please email Ruth ( with the following information:
*** Your cell phone number.
*** What day arriving and leaving.
*** Do you have room to have someone ride up with you?
*** Do you have room to take folks around during the field trip?
*** Are you staying at a motel - which one? Or, are you camping?
Thank you, should be an awesome trip!
Leader: Ruthie Rudesill // (707) 833-6026 // (707) 481-0768 (cell) //