Birders should be at the Hudeman Slough gated bridge at 9:15 am.
We will enter and exit via the North Gate at the end of Skaggs Island Rd. Skaggs Island Rd is off Ramal Rd, about 3.6 miles east of Hwy 12. Parts of the road are rough. There is something new on this road, a gate at the north side of the bridge over Hudeman Slough. I will be there to let cars pass on to the north gate. Once inside, we will circle the island. On the island until about 12:30.
Skaggs Island is part of the San Pablo Bay NWR. The island is a former naval base grown up in grassland and coyote brush. Diurnal raptors are the primary attraction. Among the dozens of harriers, kites and red-tails we will look for Prairie Falcon, Rough-legged Hawk, Golden Eagle and Burrowing Owl. Ferruginous Hawk and Short-eared Owl are possible. Marsh, brush and eucalyptus at the abandoned housing site hosts local wintering songbirds, the newly arrived Allen’s Hummingbird, and Merlin. Black Rail is sometimes heard from the tidal slough. We will loop the island in our vehicles. There will be a short walk along the Second Napa Slough levee. After Skaggs, we may check Hudeman Slough.
In addition to raptors, Hudeman hosts waterfowl and wading birds.
*Please note, in the event of a second government shutdown the Skaggs field trip will be cancelled.
Questions? Contact Ruthie Rudesill: (707) 833-6026 / (707) 481-0768 /